Our aggregation service keeps growing

Dox Music

Welcome to Dox Music Services (incorporating Doxmedia Aggregation). If you are a songwriter, performer or creative we are here to offer expert advice and help you thrive and survive in today's music industry. With over 20 years experience of working in all aspects of the creation, copyrighting and distribution of music we can support you in many areas, from an original idea to the finished project and beyond.
Welcome to Doxmedia Aggregation. We are your easy 'one-stop' gateway to the digital music world for your music. We are here to help artists and record labels make your music available on every major online digital music store and streaming site WORLDWIDE. So if you want your music to be readily available everywhere, from iTunes through to Spotify, and everyone inbetween across the globe, then you need to talk to us.
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Our aggregation service keeps growing

DOXMEDIA, our music aggregation service, to which half of this website is devoted, carried out a review of its reach and scope at the end of 2015 and the results are very positive.

An aggregator is digital equivalent of a distributor for ‘physical’ products (such as CDs or vinyl) and DOXMEDIA has expanded both the number of digital sites / platforms and also the number of countries / territories that it that it has collected royalties from on behalf of its clients – independent artists/bands, record labels and music management companies.

The sites Doxmedia have collected royalties from cover all of the big players such as iTunes, Amazon, eMusic etc and major streaming sites such as Spotify, Deezer etc right down to smaller providers to specific countries or territories.

With regards to countries / territories, whilst the UK and USA remain the ‘big earning’ territories, we now collect royalties from the 5 major continents – Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Asia. A couple of the territories are so obscure that we’ve had to look them up on a World map!

If you’d like to know how DOXMEDIA can help you to make your music available to that potential global audience in one easy step then take a look at the pages on this website under the DOXMEDIA AGGREGATION header or Click here to go to the home ‘aggregation’ page

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