Help with recent UK copyright law changes

Dox Music

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Help with recent UK copyright law changes

Anyone following recent UK news will have heard/seen reports about changes to copyright law with regards to using music in/for ‘caricature, parody or pastiche’. These changes were usually highlighted in these reports with regards to the use of music on YouTube videos etc.

The recent changes were actually wider than just the above and the Intellectual Property Office has produced a very useful 12 page leaflet called “Exceptions to copyright: Guideance for Creators and copyright owners”. The leaflet states that it is aimed at creators, copyright owners and businesses that manage rights in copyright works. And, that the changes affect anyone who creates, owns, licenses or uses copyright works, including people who create parody works and people who quote or reference other people’s works in their own.

The guidance will be relevant to a wide range of people including writers, artists, musicians, amateur creators and bloggers, comedians, performers, academics, teachers, journalists and media organisations such as broadcasters and production companies

Click on this link to see and download the guide:

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